Saturday, July 9, 2022

Snow Bears Stocking - Finish

 I have been so bad about posting. Between the house, work, and everything else I haven't been crafting nearly as much. Good news is that construction on my office/craft room is complete and now I can start moving my stuff in there, once I acquire furniture. 

I also had LASIK eye surgery just a little over a month ago, which has been a quality of life game changer. It's not without its side effects, but generally I'm really happy with the results. 

I did, however, actually finish a stitching project. My Christmas stocking is finally done!


And finished:

I even ironed it! So that's something. 

I'd like to get back into the habit of blogging. Usually I'm so tired it just doesn't even cross my mind. But blogging right now reminds me how much I used to enjoy it. 

Having a finish also send a bit of motivation to keep working on my projects. 

So hopefully this is a restart of some good habits. On to the next!