Saturday, June 20, 2015

College #76

Oh my gosh has it really been almost a month since my last post? Time flies when you're ridiculously busy with stuff you don't want to be busy with!

Before I go into the craziness of the last month (I feel like 2015 has been a really weird year so far...) here's my stitching progress.



Getting closer and closer to that elusive page finish! Which means closer and closer to finishing the whole thing!!

On to life stuff. I started the temp job June 1 and had the worst week in the history of first weeks at work (for me, anyway). In fact, it has been kind of a crappy three weeks of work. Allow me to elaborate.

Day 1, I got food poisoning. Day 2, I had a full-on wardrobe malfunction that nobody saw fit to tell me about until I got home. I'm hoping nobody told me because nobody noticed. It was pretty awful. Day 3, I had another bad health-related day that was different than day 1 but I don't want to talk about in detail. Suffice it to say I wasn't having fun, but was better off than day 1. Day 5 H³ got sick at work. And day 11 I had my first accident ever on the way to work. I don't want to talk about the details of the accident because the insurance agencies are taking care of it right now but I'm okay, the other driver is okay, and my car is in the shop getting some body work done.

The highlight has been that for some unknown reason that I will not argue with, the insurance agency set me up with a crazy sports car rental while my car is getting fixed. Check this ridiculous thing out!

Since I've been hyper stressed out and haven't had much alone time AND I have a ridiculous car I would never actually buy I've decided to take some me time today and go to Carmel and enjoy myself. Then I'll probably stop by a stitching store on my way home. BECAUSE WHY NOT. H³ is very supportive of this idea and is practically pushing me out the door. We'll ignore the part where if I leave he gets garage space to work on his bike for a while (that's bicycle, not motorcycle. H³ is also quite talented and builds bicycles from scratch).

So that's my last couple of weeks in a nutshell. I hope it gets better from here.

Either way, happy stitching!