Tuesday, April 19, 2011

By request

By request, here are some of my finished pieces:

That's a dresser scarf I made for my grandma. My mother sewed on the lace fringe because sewing machines and I don't get along.

A close-up of the stitching:

Here are some small pieces I've stitched along the way as gifts for my sister:

I have a couple more finishes that I don't have pictures of, but they were given out as gifts long ago. The next one, however, is possibly my proudest one yet. Teresa Wentzler's "The Guardian"

And with that, I go back to work...


anojaa said...

Thank you so much, Ewa. Your finishes look fantastic. I absolutely adore the guardian. I don't get on well either with sewing machines :) The scarf is a great gift

Lonneke said...

Your work looks great. Love the dragon!

Ewa said...

anojaa, no problem. I had meant to post those but never really got around to it. You motivated me :)

And thank you, Lonneke! I do love my little dragon.

TammyK said...

All nice pieces. I, like you really like The Guardian & the Dimension pieces :)