Saturday, July 8, 2017

Greek Mandala #15

Another blog post less than a week after my last one? It's true! I had a four day weekend last weekend and even though I have to work this weekend, I took today off. It has been a while since Greek Mandala has come out and the part I'm working on is to be repeated on all four corners of the center, but I finished the first one just about 30 minutes ago. So here it is!



There are some really fantastic silks used in this part, which made it so interesting and fun to stitch.

In terms of work, things are not exactly getting better. I've cut back on my hours and although it's helping my health, I'm completely backlogged. As I said above, I took today off, but will have to get some stuff done tomorrow. In addition, I have another half marathon towards the end of July and haven't been able to train nearly enough. I'm concerned, but will deal.

And with that, I go back to Greek Mandala and the next corner motif. Happy stitching!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is just gorgeous! Love the corner piece.
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now, do take care of yourself (((hugs)))

Claudette497 said...

That looks amazing!
Fatigue leads to injury - stay healthy!

Lady Stitch-a-Lot said...

Lovely work on the Mandala =)
I hope you'll find more time for yourself again, take care =)

The Crafty Princess said...

WooHoo I'm so happy you pulled this one out of the wip pile to work on again. I love the centrepiece, it's so striking. Great work on finishing the first corner motif, it looks great!!! Ewa please take care of yourself honey. Good luck with progress on this one and on getting some training in for the marathon.
xo Alicia

Our photos said...


MMO 2025 said...

Lovely work on the Mandala =)