Monday, May 25, 2020

Legendary Creatures - August

My stitching dreams are coming true. I'm getting more stitching done and meeting my goals. With that, I finished August's installment of Legendary Creatures just in time to start this month's installment of Once Upon a Fairy Tale SAL.



I actually had a really rough week, emotionally, this week. In the middle of it I screwed up on the "P" in this piece and I just wanted to throw it right in the bin and give up. H³ convinced me not to and I worked around it. But yeah. I know there's a mistake in there. I hate that there's a mistake in there. But it is what it is. I'll be giving this piece away when it's done anyway so that's that.

I finished the above Saturday night and the Once Upon a Fairy Tale SAL starts today so yesterday I worked a little bit on Medieval Shelf. I'll go back to it after this month's SAL but have it timed out for number of stitches so that I finish it by next month's SAL. Hopefully I can make it!

With that, I gotta get to it! I want to finish the current page of the SAL this month which will require some hunkering down! Happy stitching!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is looking great, I think Medusa is my favourite although I do like Nessie too. Literally no-one except you can see any errors at all!

Annie said...

It looks mighty fine to me! And your progress is great. Once it has left your home you can forget all about that annoying mistake:D

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

looking great :D You're doing awesome with this one! I love the fabric!