Saturday, March 11, 2017

Celestial Dragon, page finish!

My stitching bug is back and in full force, helped along by the fact that work is slowing down a bit so I've been working normal 8 hour days instead of 10-12 hour days! Put together all this means more stitching!



 There is lots and lots of Kreinik in this piece, and you can just barely see the border that will surround the whole dragon, all stitching in 032 Kreinik. Once all the cross stitch is done there's also a crazy amount of backstitching, a couple of french knots, and beads galore! By the time I'm done I'm going to need sunglasses to look at it it will be so shiny!

Not that I'm complaining.

Happy stitching, everyone!


Linda said...

Great progress Ewa. Such a pretty and colorful design.


Anonymous said...

He looks great! Looking forward to seeing your progress on this design :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Woohoo, we love a bit of bling! Especially on a dragon. So pleased that your stitchy bug is back with full force.

Bekah said...

Glad you have had more time to stitch! Great progress, I love the horns.

Astrids dragon said...

Oh wow, he's coming along beautifully!

Lady Stitch-a-Lot said...

It's great to hear that you have to work less and so your stitching will get more attention =) Lovely work on Celestial Dragon, the colors look so pretty =)

The Crafty Princess said...

Woo Hoo Shiny!! Now you're speaking my language. He is looking majestic already so can only imagine how awesome he will be when finished. Glad to hear things have slowed down a bit at work. A girl needs her stitching time.
xo Alicia

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