Sunday, September 6, 2020

Once Upon a Fairy Tale (SSMC) 6

 This post is a bit late mostly because, after 8 years on my old grad school laptop, I caved and bought a new one. There's been a bit of a learning curve as I have to do things a little differently than I did on my old machine, mostly because this one actually works. The biggest thing to get used to was that the SD card slot on this laptop doesn't fit the SD card to the camera I use to capture stitching photos, so I had to dig out the cable. Which is fine, but it explains why this post is so late!

Without further ado, here's the August progress on One Upon a Fairy Tale (my once-a-month SAL with Lesli).



I'm hoping to finish this page during this month's SAL. And I'm hoping to finish the current page of Medieval Shelf I'm working on today or tomorrow. Only 400 stitches to go there.

Other than stitching life has been pretty uneventful. My best friend is pregnant with her second and due in October so I'm knitting a baby blanket as fast as I can. I've been reading a lot, writing a lot, and I have a whole batch of Christmas stitching I need to attend to (nothing overly ambitious this year, thank goodness). Other than that I'm still working, we're both still healthy, and that's really all I can ask for.

I hope you're all staying healthy and safe.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great progress on this one and congratulations to your friend too!
I got a new laptop last Christmas and it doesn't have a CD drive so I have to keep the old one to access my CDs of cross stitch magazines.